Mailing lists hosted by W6YX

W6YX hosts the VHF mailing list, focused on discussion of VHF weak signal operation, VHF contesting, and other non-FM VHF operating activities.


Joining and Leaving the Stanford Amateur Radio Club Mailing Lists

Publicly visible lists may be found at Information for subscribing to and unsubscribing from a list is on the page for each list. Unsubscription instructions are also included at the end of each e-mail from the list.
There are two general-purpose mailing lists:
Please note that only list members may post to the lists.

You may join w6yx-news by entering your address on the mailing list's page.
It is not necessary for club members to join both lists. Those subscribed to the private list will also automatically receive all messages posted on the public list.
If you are seeking to join the private list, please also send an e-mail to explaining who you are (especially if it may not be obvious from your e-mail address alone) so that you membership status can be confirmed.

You will receive a response indicating that your request to be added is being reviewed and, if all is well, you should begin receiving list mail soon thereafter.

Last modified: Sat Mar 21, 2015