The old machine was a Wyse 386-25, running Linux, which has died, and been disposed of. A new computer is under construction, time permitting. The system has radio ports on 145.750Mhz at 1200bps, and on 433.430Mhz at 9600bps. The system is located in the Stanford foothills, and has full emergency backup power.
Radios in use are a Kenwood TM-201 on 145.750Mhz, and a Tekk KS-900 on 433.430Mhz. The TNC is a Kantronics KPC-9612. The antenna is a Comet GP-3 at 25ft AGL.
Software was TNOS (Tampa Network Operating System), the new computer will probably run something slightly different.
Questions about the system should be directed to the sysop.