Stanford Net SPECS/UHF Monday Script
- [your call sign] will take check-ins through the Stanford N6BDE UHF Repeater on 440.2MHz with a positive 5MHz offset and 123Hz PL; please go there now.
- Is this frequency in-use?
- Hearing nothing; this is [your call sign] taking check-ins for the Stanford N6BDE UHF Repeater this Monday, [month] the [date].
- Any & all stations with suffixes beginning A through I, Alpha through India, please check-in now.
- [Take check-ins]
- I copy: [repeat check-ins, make sure the call signs are correct]
- [Hearing none] Any & all stations with suffixes beginning A through P, Alpha through Papa, please check-in now.
- [Take check-ins]
- I copy: [Repeat check-ins, make sure the call signs are correct]
- [Hearing none] Any & all stations with suffixes beginning A through Z, Alpha through Zulu, please check-in now.
- [Take check-ins]
- I copy: [repeat check-ins, make sure the call signs are correct]
- [Hearing none] Are there any missed or late check-ins, please check-in now.
- [Take check-ins]
- I copy: [repeat check-ins, make sure the call signs are correct]
- [Hearing none] Are there any guest check-ins, please check-in now.
- [Take check-ins]
- [Count up the check-ins]
- Myself included, we've had at total of [number of check-ins] check-ins this evening. Thank you all for making your time & equipment available, and please don't forget to go check in with your main city net and the 440.8 UHF repeater. This is [your call sign] switching back to the main net.
- Net Control, this is Stanford. (Wait for acknowledgement.)
- We had a total of [number of check-ins] check-ins this evening; this is [your call sign].
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